Leveraging Digital towards a New Valuation Paradigm
Going digital is more than making changes to the business model and your business processes.
Going digital transforms the way you create value for your stakeholders, including the owners and the capital market. Digital has the potential of creating a whole new valuation story for your company.
For instance, the digital transformation could turn your project-based industrial engineering company into a service-anchored company with recurring revenue and enhanced scalability. The implications for a higher valuation are obvious.
Is it time for an improved valuation of your company?
VALRESULT supports the Board and CEO in targeting and implementing a new valuation paradigm. Together with the top level team we explore feasible new paradigms resulting from digitization.
VALRESULT Project Deliverables:
Analysis of current valuation paradigm
Realistic Option space of valuation paradigms
Target valuation paradigm
Implications and precepts for the digitization project