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Structural changes of the competitive landscape - both on a regional and global level -, as well as enormous technological progress, take place at an increasingly faster pace.
Invariably, these changes are judged by many stakeholders as something of a problematic nature. Yet, while the ensuing changes in market paradigms are demanding, they are by no means chaotic. Rather, they offer interesting value enhancement opportunities for the strategically farsighted actor. By matching the cumulated experience of our seasoned Valresult consultants in strategy implementation with the possibilities and perspectives of the capital market,  the objective of creating sustainable value increases for your enterprise becomes reality.

What is needed to leverage the potentials?

Medium sized enterprises exhibit especially interesting value enhancement potentials, but only when they are allowed to break through established reference frames concerning technology, markets or scale.  Valresult supports you in your quest to recognize  paradigm shifts and to leverage them in the form of

enhanced enterprise value and

improved capital market valuations.

These improvements far exceed the usually expected dimensions. For instance, the adoption of new business models which overcome the regional, horizontal or vertical fragmentation of markets leads invariably to higher margins which are accordingly rewarded by the capital market.

Valresult  achieves quantum leaps in value and valuation through the integration of levers in two worlds: 

Return and risk-oriented investors often miss interesting chances because they continue orienting themselves at established experiences of past decades, usually due to their lack of detail knowledge of specific investment opportunities. 
Here, it becomes paramount to develop value enhancement possibilities for selected platform companies and to present them in a compelling way to the capital markets. These possibilities are to be found in novel developments concerning technology, markets and the business model. Together, they offer very attractive value growth opportunities.

In contrast, competitive industrial medium-sized enterprises and their entrepreneurs are often insufficiently aware of the diverse chances derived from the capital markets. 
Significant value increases will result for instance from new valuation paradigms through novel business models responding to large-scale disruptions. New financing models or capital structures have the power to enable unheard-of quantum valuation leaps  through acquisition-based growth.

Valresults supports you in the value oriented strategy development, strategy operationalization and impelementation.

Medium sized enterprises exhibit especially interesting value enhancement potentials, but only when they are allowed to break through established reference frames concerning technology, markets or scale.  Valresult supports you in your quest to recognize  paradigm shifts and to leverage them in the form of

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